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What is Rules


What is it?

Verification is a process of matching your account in the application with your identity as a person. Your account is verified through your phone number.

What is its purpose?

Verification prevents the creation of fake profiles, bots, and scammers, ensures real connections, and increases supporters' confidence in the application. Also, without verification, you will not have access to all the application features — for example, all options for voting and polls, participation in quests, and talent development.

How is my data stored after verification?

Your phone number are sent to Qela's database. After an admin sees and verifies your data, it will be deleted from our servers. Qela doesn't store any of the supporters' data after the verification is finished for security purposes.

Campaigns and quests

What is a quest?

Quest is a supporter's practical action that helps the organization reach its goals. You can take part in these actions as a supporter in Qela. Every quest increases your Vote Weight and develops your talents. Quests can occur online — for example, sign a petition, take an educational quiz, or post certain content on a social network. Or offline — participate in a rally, make a performance, etc.

What is a campaign?

It is one or more global goals of the organization, which are made up of quests and their sets – chains. Community members develop their talents while finishing the campaign and receive additional vote weight points and rewards.

What do I need to participate in quests and campaigns?

An active Qela account and a desire to do so :) Also, you have to be verified to participate in some quests.

Vote weight

What is it?

Vote weight is the sum of influence points, determining the supporter's contribution to the organization's development and achieving its goal. After registration, it equals 1, but it can grow to infinity with participation in quests and campaigns. After verification you get 1 additional point of vote weight.

What is its purpose?

The organization makes decisions about its activities and policy based on the results of voting among its supporters. Your influence on the results of some votes and, accordingly, on the organization's activities will be more significant if your vote weight is more considerable.

How does it work?

Each quest can earn you a different number of influence points depending on its type and difficulty. You can also get additional points for completing campaigns and their stages (so called chains). So the more quests, chains, and campaigns you complete, the greater your vote weight will be. If you finish 100% quests in the quest chain or campaign, the sum of vote weight points that you earned from them will get increased by 20%, if you complete 70% of the quests — 10%, and a 5% increase for 30% of the quests. The interim results will be rounded up to the lower percentage checkpoint. So, for example, if you completed 50% of the quests, you will still get only 5% increase and not 10%.

File Retention and Verification Period

Quests that require verification by the administrator of submitted files are verified within 3 days after the quest's completion. We retain your files for 30 days and then remove them from the system. Within these 30 days, you can contest the quest's verification. This applies to the files you send to the organization for verification or confirmation of quest completion.


What does the "QELA formula" label signify?

When creating a new poll, the organization chooses whether it will be conducted using the vote weight (labeled "QELA formula") or according to the 1 person = 1 vote principle.

The QELA formula considers the vote weight, allows admins to calculate supporters' contributions from completing quests, and avoids abuse during voting. For example, it limits the vote weight of all unverified users to 10% of all votes to ensure the poll results are fair. In addition, each verified participant can possess no more than 5% of the total voice weight points of all those who took part in the voting. The Qela formula works only when at least 21 verified users have participated in the voting.

FREEDOMS talent system

What is it?

Qela allows you to influence the organization's activities and develop the talents necessary for every active member of civil society. The quests you go through in Qela are aimed at acquiring one of those skills:
  • F — fundraising,
  • R — recruiting,
  • E — endurance,
  • E — eloquence,
  • D — determination,
  • O — originality,
  • M — management
  • S — savvy. You can focus on developing a few of those talents or all of them at once!

What are the benefits of FREEDOMS talents?

Organization needs to understand what skills their supporters want to develop to adjust their activities and quests to the community's needs. Therefore, by focusing on developing your talents inside Qela, you help your organization to make its activities more relevant for you and effective for the cause!

Principles of calculating skill points

At the MVP stage:

Skill points are rounded up. Skill points, that an administrator puts in during the preparation of the quest, are filled in at the appropriate level according to the methodology. Nevertheless, they can change them but only in the appropriate framework, so the game doesn’t break. Basic framework — from 1 to 10 points.

The maximum number of skill points provided by the system is 1000 for each skill. Skill points increase differently depending on the level of skill mastery:

  • Level 1 (from 0 to 25% mastery level) — they are accrued by 100%. The administrator can issue from 1 to 10 points;
  • Level 2 (from 25% to 50%) - only 75% of the issued points are accrued. A user can get from 1 to 10 points, the calculation result is rounded up;
  • Level 3 (from 50% to 75%) - only 50% of the issued points are accrued. A user can get from 1 to 10 points, the calculation result is rounded up;
  • Level 4 (from 75% to 100%) - only 25% of the issued points are accrued. A user can get from 1 to 10 points, the calculation result is rounded up.


If the number of skill points increases from 1 to 5 on each quest, then the average skill increase for one completed quest will be 3 points. Thus, on average, a person should do 84 quests to move to the second level of mastery (250 points), 167 quests to the third, 250 quests to the fourth, 333 quests to the highest level. A total of 834 quests. This can be done in 2-3 years, provided that there are enough quests. Thus, the value of the skill is high. However, if a person will often take high-level quests (those that provide access only to those who have skills), then in theory they will be able to reach the highest level in 1-2 years. It is recommended to additionally motivate the skill champions with a public leaderboard (outside the functionality of the application, in the form of announcements or notifications) so that they do not lose motivation during the difficult and slow development in the 3rd and 4th levels.

Loss of skill over time.

If skills are not updated, they are lost over time. Every month the level of any skill should decrease by 3%. This is also subject to a handicap: at level 4 it will be 0.75% of the loss per month, at level 1 it will be a full 3%. Thus, in one year, the skill at level 1 will decrease by 30.6%, in 2 years - by 51.9%, and in 3 years - by 67.6%. At level 4, the skill will drop by 8.6% in 1 year, by 16.5% in 2 years, and by 23.7% in 3 years. This roughly corresponds to reality in many cases.


How does it work?

You can donate money to your organization directly through Qela. One of the ways to do that is to participate in the “Donation” quest when the organization creates it.

We are also working on the ability for you to donate funds whenever you feel like it — even when there’s no corresponding quest created by the organization. We will let you know when this option is fully available!